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We are a community of men who are passionate about changing the way we battle mental health.

There is something very powerful that happens when we laugh, smile and have fun and we harness that energy.

In a world that is becoming more stressful we are here to help change that. We aim to prevent mental health issues from going too far by creating fun opportunities for men to get together and do something that takes them away for the worries of day to day life.

We understand that men find it hard to talk, find it hard to reach out for support and struggle with the idea of therapy.

Our sessions focus on providing fun active and creative opportunities. These session not only give men a moment of freedom but they also provide an opportunity to reach out and gain the necessary support they need in a relaxed and open environment. 

Lads, you are not alone in your struggles, and battles so come and meet our community, have a laugh, do something fun.


Together we are stronger!

The Founders

We believe that we can turn the subject of mens mental health into an open conversation


Matt Peterson

“As a gym owner I see feats of mental and physical fortitude everyday. I’m passionate about helping people become the best version of themselves and after over 10 years in the Industry it’s clear that the body can achieve some amazing things, but the biggest part of the job is supporting people mentally. However, the last few years as a business owner made it my turn to take on a different type of challenge. The pandemic caused the closure of a business with no idea when the next pay check would come. There were tears, sleepless nights and I was push both mentally and physically. My community (the friends and family is surrounded myself with) was key. Talking, being brave enough to ask for help and also making sure I still had fun was what got me through. Life should be fun and I’m excited to be part of The BroProject and help provide activities that not only put a smile on people’s face but has the support behind it to keep them moving forward”.


Alex Dawson

“I live with mental ill health on a daily basis. Some days are good, some not so good, but I have come to realise, whatever is going on in my head, I have to talk about it. Bottling it up is bad for me and prevents me being the best husband, father, son, brother and friend. I see my vulnerability as my strongest strength and made a promise that I will be true to myself” 


We Need Your Support Today To Help Make This Happen

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